random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

never underestimate a coconut - ckfahrenheit

fapping all over the world -

golden Sharias for Justice! - Sgt Harry Snapper Organs..

what, you were expecting Kenneth Branagh? - Amul Muzz

it's not random, but it's not sensible either - FifthSpango

she's hot, and has a great ass, but that was gross - b

we may be smart, but we can be damned lazy, too - TheFurnace

the more you type, the righter you are - lilmookieesquire

when the turtles entered my life, they taught me to be self-aware - ComposerNate

Cry faps, and let slip the dogs of porn! - ralfmaximus

nothing kills the mood faster than a punch to the cunt - Bodnoirbabe

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