random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

don't feel ashamed, put your clothes off and jerk at will - sua_sponte

if you show fear, a monkey will bully you - cb361

it's not random, but it's not sensible either - FifthSpango

G-spot orgasms are like another instrument in the big band of sexual response - GordonGuano

just because we aren't used to seeing it doesn't mean the universe isn't - Trench

it's the fapture! - Robolt

ain't nuthin gay about liking a girl with a pretty cock - sacrelicious

porn is expensive. Pr0n is free - Saint_Marck

you gave your game away with the Troll Moderation - circulate

the vagina of the female duck is a winding labyrinth that warrants the male's crazy corkscrew of a cock - snowfox

I'm not sure I see the point to a sex bot who's only vulnerability is exposure to fluids - foobar

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