random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

ranging from oddly flattering to uncomfortably violating - Baxter_UK

swinging the ancestral cock - Hazel

why would anyone want to worship someone who leaves stains everywhere he goes? - sacrelicious

we discuss, debate and masturbate - willrogers

better to have clicked and hated than never to have clicked at all - sanepride

I don't think I can maintain an erection while straddling someone's chest and just punching them in the face - swiggy

the Internet Bra - fifthSpango

nothing says youthful rebellion like a 60 year old that has to be attached to machines in order to make any sounds - sacrelicious

you don't need to be valuable to join the botnet - psychotim

you can't say things like that, sis. People will make pervy comments - shiney things

defiantly masturbating material - tamp

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