random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

it's worse because the coke is in his seminal fluid. - Krutz

the cop on the phone told me you have to blow me now - mattfish

legally speaking, we're all sodomists anyway - Barnabas_Truman

I have never been happier in my life as the day I shat the ER up. - rndmnmbr

the safeword is 'RANCH' - Roulette1337

is their server slow or am I fapping too fast? - virgindog

It's easy to tell whether a cartoonist is conservative by seeing whether they portray the President as an uppity black man - KingPellinore

it's not because people were disagreeing with me. It's because they were disagreeing with reality - Naruki

stupid and ill-conceived. Plus, no backhand. - sanepride

who says love can't give a man an erection? - MmmFiber

fear breasts, as the moth fears the candle - theolypse

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