random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

if we stop respecting 'dibs' then the world will dissolve into chaos - balzac

a wretched soul is he who does not live or lust under summer's rule - arrowhen

it's not gay if he looks like a chick - mechanical contrivance

disparaging two of my three favorite places to put my penis - KingPellinore

they won't rest until they give every social interaction creepy undertones - zkhan

you think teaching people to read will fix YouTube comments? - kishi

nazis and terrorists have sweethearts waiting for them back home too - ENZ

you don't need to be valuable to join the botnet - psychotim

press F5 for a funny tagline - rebbel

eventually, she asked to see Garrison's penis - monkeytooth

shetland is teh hawt equine - leswilkerson

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