random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

not bad, but not really good either. It's just sort of there, like Denmark. - PottyMouth

nerdy girls are a singularity for dicks. - Nihil

we didn't invent fucked-up, we just made it better - ckfahrenheit

the truth will set you free. But first it will piss you off - madpride

never get into a pissing contest with a bunch of pedantic pseudo-intellectuals - rezties

Swiss cheese is almost begging for tentacle rape - headlessfriar

don't dream it... SE it... - leswilkerson

want to see cockphagia? - ckfahrenheit

it's like they're staring into my very soul... And giving it an erection - Todomanna

if I can fap to this so can you - Saint_Marck

you have become the mirror image of that which you despise - Nostrildamus

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