random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

want to see cockphagia? - ckfahrenheit

you don't need to be valuable to join the botnet - psychotim

because we're all bent over a table, and the nervous ass-sweat is providing lubrication - Context

stretching the definition of "libertarian" a little more each day - Barnabas_Truman

nothing kills the mood faster than a punch to the cunt - Bodnoirbabe

keeps palms in business - Baxter_UK

fake testicles were a free speech issue - hell yeah

did I call someone a douchethinker? - ring riot

it's not about the panties. It's what's inside that counts - swiggy

disparaging two of my three favorite places to put my penis - KingPellinore

a vagina may not be a clown car but an ass is not a storage locker - tamp

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