random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

I romanced my girlfriend both ways. It made her cry into the pillow - banksr0

war is peace. Freedom is slavery.Penis is Vagina - Dioxin

I'm from Chicago, and yeah, we're all pretty much gigantic hypocrites with big penises - horseinsheep

It's easy to tell whether a cartoonist is conservative by seeing whether they portray the President as an uppity black man - KingPellinore

the spiritual successor to masturbation - DuncmanG

shakes fist 17% harder - ComposerNate

if you like rubbing yourself until your blisters explode with delight - Chop-Logik

a vagina may not be a clown car but an ass is not a storage locker - tamp

because we're all bent over a table, and the nervous ass-sweat is providing lubrication - Context

fettucine, linguine, martini bikini - another_it

useless without pictures - cb361

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