random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

golden Sharias for Justice! - Sgt Harry Snapper Organs..

yeah, and what about gay porn? - sacrelicious

we didn't invent fucked-up, we just made it better - ckfahrenheit

Putting the fun in mastur-fun-bation. - forgotten

the more you type, the righter you are - lilmookieesquire

if you look carefully you'll notice Marc is hugging his sister's butt and her foot is on his head - snowfox

I'm afraid you can't get the shit back in the horse - sacrelicious

I meant nipples - crwk8

a phallocracy of vaginophiles - kang

my night action is as follows: I lament the wasted day while masturbating and eating cake. Then I cower in a corner - spite48

a serving of foamy prawn gel between courses helps to cleanse the palate - Saint_Marck

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