random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

it's like they're staring into my very soul... And giving it an erection - Todomanna

coping with death by nonsensicality since ... today, apparently - taiga

a phallocracy of vaginophiles - kang

swinging the ancestral cock - Hazel

ain't nuthin gay about liking a girl with a pretty cock - sacrelicious

who the hell stabs a newborn 135 times? Anything beyond one is excessive - phunkeybuddha

I just leave a soul patch on the front. It's like having a little Hitler in my pants - snowfox

who says love can't give a man an erection? - MmmFiber

if you like rubbing yourself until your blisters explode with delight - Chop-Logik

how do you develop a resistance to something that drills a hole in you and injects DNA - moriati

during his precious visitation time he was posting to SE again! - lilmookieesquire

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