random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

you dont waste your time here, You invest it - crwk8

obviously a strongly elongated penis is the solution - mjteegarden

taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagliiiiiiiiine - ckfahrenheit

most of our mouths are full of cock - assbastard

never read comments - theolypse

another failed attempt at capitalizing on an Internet meme - damnit

it's like they're staring into my very soul... And giving it an erection - Todomanna

a serving of foamy prawn gel between courses helps to cleanse the palate - Saint_Marck

if you show fear, a monkey will bully you - cb361

I like how you can see just a hint of asshole - crom

The warm, hollowed-out ham of the Internet - mrcookieface

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