random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

we welcome anyone who is intelligent and difficult to offend - spite48

the spiritual successor to masturbation - DuncmanG

you cannot offend the truly innocent - Rapscallion

is their server slow or am I fapping too fast? - virgindog

the sound of one hand clapping is the other hand fapping - YHVH

that's a terrible pick-up line - cb361

she never expected to absorb the poison though her vaginal wall - mechanical contrivance

on the internet, you'll always be 18 to us - Navier-Strokes

if anyone starts being dirty, I will come and kung fu you - LINGsCARS

it's like leaving a million tiny calling cards - Sgt Harry Snapper Organs..

comedic sociopathy is what I do for a hobby - rndmnmbr

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