random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

I wish I could upmod again for the rectovag exam - sociology_boy

Putting the fun in mastur-fun-bation. - forgotten

if you look carefully you'll notice Marc is hugging his sister's butt and her foot is on his head - snowfox

useless without pictures - cb361

I think I understand why matt wanted out - Jewbacchus

please line up on the left to receive your complementary oversized dildo and Tamp Pride shirt - psychotim

if you like rubbing yourself until your blisters explode with delight - Chop-Logik

we're all SEmen, here. Even the shemen. - theolypse

head, shoulders heart and groin, HEART AND GROIN - symmetrian

positive thinking will make tentacle porn possible - themanwhoeatslettus

not into old dudes - themanwhoeatslettus

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