Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Roadside Relics of the USSR

quote [ We’re back on the road through the former Soviet Union. This time our guide is French photographer Jason Guilbeau whose pointing out objects along the roadside, like tractors stuck atop poles, a pavement that turns into a jet’s trail, a tank on a plinth and more reminders of Soviet vehicular prowess rendered in raw concrete. ]

Meanwhile back in the U.S.S.R.
[SFW] [travel] [+3 Interesting]
[by ScoobySnacks@1:59pmGMT]


gendo666 said[1] @ 3:07am GMT on 23rd Oct
I have to admit I like North America's versions better.
Giant balls of string, reptiles. and in Canada UFO landing pads.
Also from a "graphic" perspective

Sam and Max hit the road.

Edit : I DO like the Watermelon.

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