Saturday, 21 March 2020

Italy, Pandemic’s New Epicenter, Has Lessons for the World

quote [ The country’s experience shows that steps to isolate the coronavirus and limit people’s movement need to be put in place early, with absolute clarity, then strictly enforced. ]

Greetings from Milan, beloved SErs. An update.
Today, March 21, we registered in Italy 793 deaths in a single day; 546 of them here in Lombardy, a densely populated, industrialized (and polluted) region. The overall death toll in the country is of 4825. China is — officially — still at 3255 victims.

Exactly one month ago — the expression "it feels like years ago” here is less rhetorical than ever — we spotted in Lombardy a young and otherwise healty Covid-19-positive man. He’s still our patient 1, but the precursors of his epidemic chain are still unknown, and probably quite rooted in time.

Epidemiologic data are a very complex matter, starting from the method used to collect them; given this premise, in my region the mortality for Covid-19, at present, stays at 11% of cases. And this region has still (despite the shameful cuts and privatizations of these last years) one of the best healthcare system in Europe.

I’ve nothing to add, because I’m sincerely speechless.

Please take notes, analyze in detail our situation, and do everything possible in your country to avoid our errors.

And don't forget jacking off, of course: it boosts your immune system.

All best,


[SFW] [health] [+7 Informative]
[by NuncEstBibendum]
<-- Entry / Comment History

Paracetamol said @ 5:13am GMT on 22nd March
This is not going to stop. They are still in the German mode, e.g. light lockdown.

Since locking down borders is not very efficient anyway, the most reasonable action would probably be the one you hinted for Italy: countries less affected by the wave support the ones that can barely function and vice versa as the wave rolls.

The border controls between Poland and Germany have been lowered already to reinstate the flow of goods. A friend of my partner is a physicist that, after living through Covid after ski season, tries to volunteer for more affected regions now.

Paracetamol said @ 5:22am GMT on 22nd March
This is not going to stop. They are still in the German mode, e.g. light lockdown.

Since locking down borders is not very efficient anyway, the most reasonable action would probably be the one you hinted for Italy: countries less affected by the wave support the ones that can barely function and vice versa as the wave rolls.

The border controls between Poland and Germany have been lowered already to reinstate the flow of goods. A friend of my partner is a physicist that, after living through Covid after ski season, tries to volunteer for more affected regions now. [Edit:] Forgot this one: German hospitals are supposed to accept cases from Alsace which is the worst affected district in France, I believe.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
Paracetamol said @ 5:13am GMT on 22nd March
This is not going to stop. They are still in the German mode, e.g. light lockdown.

Since locking down borders is not very efficient anyway, the most reasonable action would probably be the one you hinted for Italy: countries less affected by the wave support the ones that can barely function and vice versa as the wave rolls.

The border controls between Poland and Germany have been lowered already to reinstate the flow of goods. A friend of my partner is a physicist that, after living through Covid after ski season, tries to volunteer for more affected regions now. [Edit:] Forgot this one: German hospitals are supposed to accept cases from Alsace which is the worst affected district in France, I believe.

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