Wednesday, 11 March 2020

W.H.O. Declares Pandemic as Number of Infected Countries Grows

quote [ Chancellor Angela Merkel foresees two-thirds of Germans being infected. The U.S., with more than 1,000 cases and business disruptions, weighs possible responses.

“All countries can still change the course of this pandemic,” said the W.H.O.’s leader, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, adding, “We need each other.” ]

A predictable update, folks.

Keep - your - elderly - loved - ones - isolated.
[SFW] [health] [+2]
[by NuncEstBibendum]
<-- Entry / Comment History

NuncEstBibendum said @ 5:25pm GMT on 12th March
...About this and other posts of mine: I know they are redundantly centered on Italy.
The reason is my country is some weeks in advance on the western COVID-19 timeline. Since the general pattern shows some similarities in every country, I consider them to be someway useful, in order to get a general sense of the situation, and try to think in advance.

NuncEstBibendum said @ 5:28pm GMT on 12th March
...About this and other comment of mine: I know they are redundantly centered on Italy.
The reason is my country is some weeks in advance on the western COVID-19 timeline. Since the general pattern shows some similarities in every country, I consider them to be someway useful, in order to get a general sense of the situation, and try to think in advance.

NuncEstBibendum said @ 5:29pm GMT on 12th March
...About this and other comments of mine: I know they are redundantly centered on Italy.
The reason is my country is some weeks in advance on the western COVID-19 timeline. Since the general pattern shows some similarities in every country, I consider them to be someway useful, in order to get a general sense of the situation, and try to think in advance.

NuncEstBibendum said @ 8:56pm GMT on 12th March
...About this and other comments of mine: I know they are redundantly centered on Italy.
The reason is my country is some weeks in advance on the western COVID-19 timeline. Since the general pattern shows many similarities in every country, I consider them to be someway useful, in order to get a general sense of the situation, and try to think in advance.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
NuncEstBibendum said @ 5:25pm GMT on 12th March [Score:3 Underrated]
...About this and other comments of mine: I know they are redundantly centered on Italy.
The reason is my country is some weeks in advance on the western COVID-19 timeline. Since the general pattern shows many similarities in every country, I consider them to be someway useful, in order to get a general sense of the situation, and try to think in advance.

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