Wednesday, 11 March 2020

W.H.O. Declares Pandemic as Number of Infected Countries Grows

quote [ Chancellor Angela Merkel foresees two-thirds of Germans being infected. The U.S., with more than 1,000 cases and business disruptions, weighs possible responses.

“All countries can still change the course of this pandemic,” said the W.H.O.’s leader, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, adding, “We need each other.” ]

A predictable update, folks.

Keep - your - elderly - loved - ones - isolated.
[SFW] [health] [+2]
[by NuncEstBibendum]
<-- Entry / Comment History

NuncEstBibendum said @ 8:42pm GMT on 11th March
Not joking: it's highly possible; the growth curve of this thing is crazy fast: the first uncontrolled patient was spotted here in Lombardy exactly 20 days ago. Look at us today: from this evening here in Milan you need a self-certification, explaining your compelling reasons, just in order to go out home.

NuncEstBibendum said @ 8:43pm GMT on 11th March
Not joking: it's highly possible. The growth curve of this thing is crazy fast: the first uncontrolled patient was spotted here in Lombardy exactly 20 days ago. Look at us today: from this evening here in Milan you need a self-certification, explaining your compelling reasons, just in order to go out home.

NuncEstBibendum said @ 8:55pm GMT on 11th March
Not joking: it's highly possible. The growth curve of this thing is crazy fast: the first uncontrolled patient was spotted here in Lombardy exactly 20 days ago. Look at us today: from this evening here in Milan you need a self-certification, explaining your compelling reasons, just in order to go out home.

Last minute update:
starting from now every commercial activity in Italy is closed, with the only exception of supermarkets and pharmacies.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
NuncEstBibendum said @ 8:42pm GMT on 11th March [Score:1 Informative]
Not joking: it's highly possible. The growth curve of this thing is crazy fast: the first uncontrolled patient was spotted here in Lombardy exactly 20 days ago. Look at us today: from this evening here in Milan you need a self-certification, explaining your compelling reasons, just in order to go out home.

Last minute update:
starting from now every commercial activity in Italy is closed, with the only exception of supermarkets and pharmacies.

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