Saturday, 4 August 2018

Heavy police presence as right-wing rally begins in Portland

quote [ A right-wing group and self-described anti-fascist counter-protesters rallied in Portland, Oregon, Saturday as police tried to prevent the gatherings from turning violent as they have before. ]

Some very good people, on both sides.
[SFW] [dystopian violence] [+1 Sad]
[by HoZay]
<-- Entry / Comment History

bbqkink said @ 3:49am GMT on 6th August
It would take more lethal means to kill all the poor.

bbqkink said @ 3:51am GMT on 6th August
It would take more lethal means to kill all the poor. you would have to use say a gas chamber to kill a bunch at a time and then there is the getting rid of all the bodies maybe an oven.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
bbqkink said @ 3:49am GMT on 6th August
It would take more lethal means to kill all the poor. you would have to use say a gas chamber to kill a bunch at a time and then there is the getting rid of all the bodies maybe an oven.

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