Saturday, 5 October 2024
quote [ “My God, you’ll destroy this fundamental way of how the internet works.” I’m like, dude, these companies are already destroying the fundamental way of how the internet works. ]
Good summary of the whole silo platform thing. Ironically, anybody can scrape and reprocess information easier than ever. I stumbled on Notado aggregating comments in a search feed. “Kullish” meaning “all of it”.
quote [ The threat of toxic fandoms — from Star Wars and Lord of the Rings to Bridgerton and Game of Thrones — has become an intractable headache for almost every studio. ]
With your toxic fandom acting like a bunch of douchebags
Friday, 4 October 2024
quote [ Word that CNN is getting a paywall feels like a sign that good information is more expensive than ever. ]
Then it's time to make the paywall pay
Thursday, 3 October 2024
quote [ In all likelihood, in the next 25 years, we’ll find evidence of life on another planet. I’m willing to say this because I’m not a scientist and I don’t work in media relations for NASA. But all evidence points to us getting closer, every year, to identifying moons in our solar system, or exoplanets beyond it, that can sustain life. ]
Systems all go, red light change, jet propulsion
Wednesday, 2 October 2024
quote [ Visit...... and get 20% off a premium annual subscription!Welcome back, and I hope you enjoy t... ]
Fun with math. ?? ????
A take on Conway's Game of Life.
quote [ This denial of both the threat and our own responsibility sounds eerily familiar to those who study 19th century attitudes toward wildlife. ]
Again as recommended in the great Fallen London newsletter which has another cool mention of a great but only once published Superwoman strip
quote [ The world's oldest known cheese holds the key to kefir's mysterious origins. ]
Decoyed by old cheese, now the drawbridge
Tuesday, 1 October 2024
quote [ In this video we build a machine to make fabric from PLA that has been specially modified for high reflectivity. Because of PLA's strong emissivity in the infrared sky cooling window it is potentially a very good option for radiative sky cooling. ]
Dang, whole lot of progress since his last video on the subject.
quote [ On the Pacific Northwest coast—and around the world—community archaeology is helping people reconcile with each other and their history. ]
We’re gonna dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig
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