Friday, 10 January 2025
quote [ tinygrad
We write and maintain tinygrad, the fastest growing neural network framework (over 23,000 GitHub stars) It's extremely simple, and breaks down the most complex networks into 3 OpTypes ElementwiseOps are UnaryOps, BinaryOps, and TernaryOps. They operate on 1-3 tensors and run elementwise. example: SQRT, LOG2, ADD, MUL, WHERE, etc... ReduceOps operate on one tensor and return a smaller tensor. example: SUM, MAX MovementOps are virtual ops that operate on one tensor and move the data around Copy-free with ShapeTracker. example: RESHAPE, PERMUTE, EXPAND, etc... ] But how...where are your CONVs and MATMULs? Read the code to solve this mystery.
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stv179 said @ 9:36am GMT on 11th Jan
Considering myself a tech-savy person, I have to admit I understood very little of what they are talking about - is that what it feels like getting old?
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mechanical contrivance said @ 3:56pm GMT on 11th Jan
I don't know what any of that means.