Friday, 15 November 2024

Top chains are urged to ban sandblasted jeans

quote [ "Dead workers aren't fashionable," said Sam Maher, co-author of Labour Behind the Label's Killer Jeans report ]

Ah well, this wears out lungs, too. This is from 2011, for the record.

aand it seems like the campaign was partly a success with some bans. Don't know how they achieve the worn-out look otherwise, though:

Success story: Jeans brands ban sandblasted denim? - Labour Behind the Label

Labour Behind the Label's Killer Jeans campaign called on brands and retailers to ban the process of sandblasting used to fade and distress denim. This was linked to the fatal lung disease silicosis. As well as publishing new research about denim, and having activists insert messages into the pockets of jeans in shops, we held a funeral march outside Dolce & Gabana where we marched a coffin to their store, laid flowers and read out the names of people who had died from silicosis after sandblasting jeans. This action alongside other international efforts resulted in companies supporting public bans on the process for their products and eventually a national ban for all of Turkey was issued by the Turkish government – a win.

[SFW] [business] [+1 Good]
[by Paracetamol@7:30pmGMT]


Hugh E. said @ 6:19am GMT on 16th Nov
Hire people to wear jeans until they have the worn-out look. Then label them eco-friendly, organic, all natural, cruelty-free, locally sourced and sell them for lots of money.
mechanical contrivance said @ 9:59pm GMT on 19th Nov
If companies were forced to pay the families of the people they kill, they would probably try to kill fewer people.

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