Friday, 25 October 2024

The Department of Everything

quote [ There was a time, however—not all that long ago—when you couldn’t Google it or ask Siri or whatever cyber equivalent comes next. You had to do it the hard way—by consulting reference books, indexes, catalogs, almanacs, statistical abstracts, and myriad other printed sources. Or you could save yourself all that time and trouble by taking the easiest available shortcut: You could call me.
Actually, we didn’t know all that stuff; we just knew how to find it. ]

Accounts of looking up stuff for people in the 80s.
[SFW] [literature] [+1 Good]
[by Paracetamol@7:10amGMT]


TimmoW said @ 6:15pm GMT on 25th Oct [Score:1 Good]
Libraries are super cool. And not just for books anymore. Our local library has a recording studio, 3d printers, and more!
stv179 said @ 12:40pm GMT on 25th Oct
That's a job I could grow into.

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