Saturday, 5 October 2024

Toxic Fandom: How Hollywood Is Battling Fans Who Are ‘Just Out for Blood’ — From Social Media Boot Camps to Superfan Focus Groups

quote [ The threat of toxic fandoms — from Star Wars and Lord of the Rings to Bridgerton and Game of Thrones — has become an intractable headache for almost every studio. ]

With your toxic fandom acting like a bunch of douchebags
[SFW] [tv & movies] [+3 Interesting]
[by ScoobySnacks@5:01amGMT]


mechanical contrivance said @ 3:24pm GMT on 5th Oct
A tiny, but vocal, subset of viewers are acting like assholes. And since they're the only ones screaming, they're the only ones anyone hears.
ooo[......7 said @ 5:47pm GMT on 5th Oct
Social media was a curse, end it.

Uninstall, nobody I ever met regretted that decision.
jbhalper said @ 5:42pm GMT on 7th Oct

I generally don't care about any of these example franchises enough to care seriously about them, or about their fanbases. But then while trying to ask my own silly questions about something fun, I run into the criticisms and they're so incredibly petty about often incredibly mediocre things.

But when consumption stands in for identity, and this is often encouraged by the producer, I'm even more likely to stop caring about something I might have once found enjoyable.

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