Sunday, 9 April 2023
quote [ The federal court’s decision is a victory for corporations and a disaster for everyone else. If this decision isn’t reversed, human beings will lose more knowledge than the Library of Alexandra ever contained. If IA’s appeal fails, it will be a tragedy of historical proportions. ]
Always smelling something burning on the copyright front.
R1Xhard said @ 4:30am GMT on 10th Apr
Do they still archival zips of there collection like Wiki did?
stv179 said @ 6:16am GMT on 10th Apr
Sad, indeed.
slaytanik said @ 11:07am GMT on 10th Apr
I don't understand how other countries can't challenge something like this, since it affects every internet user globally, not just Americans
steele said @ 12:50pm GMT on 10th Apr
slaytanik said @ 2:02pm GMT on 10th Apr
[Score:1 Underrated]
Yeah I get that
But Internet laws should be global, not national It's not like we trade data between countries as other resources are |
steele said @ 3:01pm GMT on 10th Apr
Sure we do. WTO | Understanding the WTO - Intellectual property: protection and enforcement
And how could you forget how badly the US wanted the TPP to go through so we could lockdown IP laws in asia? Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement |
ethanos said @ 2:10pm GMT on 17th Apr
Everybody: please save all my erudite comments on SE.
gendo666 said @ 5:36pm GMT on 16th Jun
This is depressing.
it is just like all the games and software that have been bought (or the sub-companies that made them) by investor firms so that consortiums of dentists can sit on an old software titles so they can't be re-released. This is a big problem with licences, as companies die or get folded into others and dissolved. Modern companies are like wolverines. They would rather own something and either hoard or spoil it rather than preserve. |
sitswithacookie said @ 11:10pm GMT on 10th Apr
[Score:-1 Boring]
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