Sunday, 25 August 2019

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quote [ “1. So, each episode of the Simpsons is dubbed into two different versions for French markets. There's a Quebec French version, and a France French version. Fans of the Quebec dub hate the European dub, and vice versa.” ]

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[SFW] [tv & movies] [+4 Interesting]
[by Paracetamol@4:45amGMT]


gendo666 said @ 5:15pm GMT on 25th Aug [Score:1 Insightful]
Ah Canada...
Where you have at least 2 years of enforced French - mostly taught by teachers teaching "real" French and then, if you can remember anything besides "Isn't it cold"
Or you go to French Canada and even if your French is flawless they are rude because it's not the "right" French.
My nephew is in French immersion and that started in pre-school.
I don't speak the language much but can recognize he has a terrible accent as he was originally taught by a French Canadian.
A perfect example of linguistic drift.
satanspenis666 said @ 9:26pm GMT on 25th Aug
Je ne parle pas français.
zarathustra said @ 3:36am GMT on 26th Aug
Éloigne toi de nous, monstre.
dolemite said[1] @ 6:25pm GMT on 27th Aug
J'ai un membre que ressemble un concombre.
rhesusmonkey said @ 5:25am GMT on 29th Aug [Score:1 Insightful]
Didn't RTFA, but part of me wants to just say "of course, because Quebeckers don't speak French, they speak Quebecois". That's equivalent to having a Brazilian Portuguese version, or a Colombian Spanish version. Mostly same words, totally different saying. Maybe a closer comparison would be Dutch versus German, or Cantonese vs Mandarin.

But maybe i'll just go manger le hamberger avec tout les frites and une Coke et shuter the fuck up.
Paracetamol said @ 5:46am GMT on 29th Aug
It's a good comparison (gotta look up the anecdote where Kerouac tried to converse with some French writer) – the more interesting part comes deeper down where they compare the different modes of acting and portrayal of accents via Canadian and French culture.
snowfox said @ 6:49pm GMT on 26th Aug
Quebec... the one French accent I cannot understand. Haiti? Fine. Morocco? Cool. Vietnamese? No problem! Quebecoise? WTF did that guy just say??
dolemite said @ 6:30pm GMT on 27th Aug [Score:1 Funny]
I'll give you the Cliff notes verssion...he's angry about something.
snowfox said @ 8:19pm GMT on 29th Aug
But I do like poutine so... like... I'm conflicted. Should I just yell at them until they bring it and a Canadian beer to me?

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